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New Book! Sacrament We Thee Adore
Reflection and prayers in honor of the Blessed Sacrament, together with Mass and Communion devotions. A Vade Mecum for Visits to Jesus in the Tabernacle and the Hour of Adoration. Compiled and Edited by Rev. F. X. Lasance. An outstanding collection of prayers and acts of devotions, in four groups, mostly indulgences, which are arranged, according to the four ends of sacrifice, for private and public devotions, respectively, under the four captions: Adoration, Thanksgiving, Reparation, and Prayer, and which are calculated to be of service to the faithful in general and to members of Eucharistic Associations in particular in making visits to the Blessed Sacrament and in keeping the Hour of Adoration. To these acts and prayers is added an extensive collection of Ejaculations. 254 page book, Imprimatur 1930.
Only: $16.80

Intro Price: $15.12

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St. Joseph Daily Missal
1953 Edition - Imprimatur 1950 Ordinary of the Mass in Latin & English 5 bound in ribbon markers.
Reprint of the 1953 edition, Larger print Hard-bound, sewn binding, 5 multi colored ribbon markers, Contains over 1300 pages, The Ordinary of the Mass printed in red rubrics, Common of the Mass is in Latin and English, Easy to follow, great for children, Imprimatur 1950, Francis Cardinal Spellman, Beautiful illustrations throughout the missal, Also contains the much loved, Treasury of Prayers
Only: $89.00
St. Andrew Daily Missal
The Saint Andrew Daily Missal has long been considered the most complete and finest Missal ever printed!
Here is what one of the most widely read traditional Catholic web sites has to say about our St. Andrew Daily Missal! : "There is only one fully traditional Latin-English handmissal in print for laypeople. This is Dom Gaspar Lefebvre’s [not to be confused with Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre] edition of The Saint Andrew Daily Missal with Vespers for Sundays and Feasts and Kyriale. It is the most complete traditional missal in print."
Only: $92.00

Lent Starts March 5th
Check out other great Lent books here.

A Doctor at Calvary
The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ as Described by a Surgeon by Pierre Barbet, M.D. Very inspirational! Examines the physical tortures that Our Lord endured on the cross for our sins, all from modern medical analysis. A heart-rending account that goes into deep detail of exactly what occurred during the crucifixion, what the Romans commonly did to prisoners. Clearly separates facts from theory. This book will make you have a deeper appreciation for The Passion. You will never be the same. 192 page book, Impr 1953
Was: $14.90 Now: $11.92
The Three Hours' Agony of Our Lord Jesus Christ
by Rev. Peter Guilday. "The Good Friday devotion, popularly known as the Three Hours’ Agony, is becoming one of the most eagerly attended services of Holy Week. This book, first printed in 1917, is a series of sermons on the Seven Last Words of Our Lord on Calvary. No other series of sermons could be of more intimate and personal character than those given during the impressive services of the Three Hours’ Agony. The traditions of the occasion itself open the heart wider than ever before. At no other moment does the sense of sin seem so intense, the fear of it so tangible; and the personal realization of the meaning of Calvary’s tragedy reaches a depth seldom touched before or after Good Friday itself. This fact alone would seem to preclude any publicity to the words spoken at the very height of such emotion; but in spite of this hesitation, the sermons are now published, as they were given, as an humble act of devotion to the Crucified Master."  71page booklet.
Was: $8.90 Now: $7.12


Preparation for Confirmation
Compiled by Rev. John Overend, C.S.P. 32 page booklet. Imprimatur 1936. The purpose of this booklets is to give those who are to be confirmed fuller knowledge than is found in the Catechism on the Sacrament of Confirmation. It also contains the rite of the sacrament with suitable prayers and hymns.  Contains everything necessary to prepare for Confirmation based on the Baltimore Catechism. Appropriate for all ages.
Was: $5.95 Now: $4.76
Welcome to Our Church - Greeting Card
Inside left: Behold, I stand at the gate, and knock. If any man shall hear my voice, and open to me the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. Revelations 3:20
Inside right: Welcome to our Faith. Our church is blessed to have you in its family! May God guide you along this wonderful path!
Was: $2.95 Now: $2.36

First Holy Communion
Check out other great books here.

Christ Giving Communion Notepad
Perfect to include with gifts or as friendly notes! 5½ X 8½ size; 40 lined sheets to each pad.
Was: $7.00 Now: $5.60


First Holy Communion
By Rev. Demetrius Manousos, O.F.M., CAP. Impr. 1955. Teaches young children all about First Holy Communion, what to do before, during, after, what happens to the bread and the wine, and so much more. 32 beautifully illustrated pages. Ages 2-10.  
Was: $6.00 Now: $4.80

St. Patrick
Feast Day is March 17th

Lorica of St. Patrick Greeting Card
Lorica, a Latin word literally meaning body armour, can also mean a prayer recited for protection. Essentially a ‘protection prayer’ in which the petitioner invokes all the power of God as a safeguard against evil in its many forms. According to tradition, St. Patrick wrote it in 433 A.D. for divine protection before successfully converting the Irish King Leoghaire and his subjects from paganism to Christianity.
Was: $2.95 Now: $2.36
St. Patrick Laminated Holy Card
O God, Who didst vouchsafe to send Blessed Patrick, Thy Confessor and Bishop, to preach Thy glory to the Gentiles, grant by his merits and intercession, that those things which Thou commandest us to do, we may be enabled to accomplish by Thy mercy. Through our Lord, etc. S. Amen.
Was: $0.90 Now: $0.72


Reflections and Prayer for Holy Communion
Preface by His Emminence the Cardinal Archbishop Henry Edward Manning of Westminster. Impr 1869. “This volume is a valuable addition to our books on devotion. The present volume is throughout both practical and proximate to our daily needs. It is within the reach of anyone. The Author offers it to us as a remedy against distractions by connecting ‘serious thoughts with such prayers as may gently draw the soul entirely to our Lord.’ There are 30 Exercises, each filled with inspirational words like we have never heard before! 507 pages.
Was: $24.80 Now: $19.84
Honor Mary Thy Mother!
 Fr. Wilfred G. Hurley C.S.P.  Explains Communion of the Saints, God and his saints,  the Blessed Virgin, her role,  and scripture teachings. Explains why we should reverence Our Blessed Mother, why she is so deserving of our love, honor, and veneration. Also, explains why praying to a Saint, asking for them to pray for you is not idolatry. 29 pages, Imprimatur: 1934.
Was: $4.26 Now: $3.41

