
Items: 115 of 18, per page
  • Explaining the teachings of the Catholic Church, including the Sacraments, the Precepts, Prayer, Virtues, and much
    more, this manual is written in question and answer format and is an attempt to meet the preliminary needs of the non-Catholic inquiring into the teachings of the Catholic Church. It is hoped that this little book will help explain the teachings of the Church in such a way that the reader may be induced to inquire for further knowledge.
    Impr 1927, 90 page book.
    • $11.90

    • SKU: N-INQ

    Score: 4.00 (votes: 3)
  • Illustrating the Catholic Catechism.

    The great value of illustrations in teaching children and the uneducated is universally acknowledged. Examples stimulate the imitative instinct, consequently they are a powerful factor in education. The examples in this book are taken from newspapers, schoolbooks, volumes of sermons, and spiritual works and have been arranged and adapted to serve the desired end.

    Impr 1906, 596 pg book.

    Rev. Francis Spirago.

    • $27.20

    • SKU: N-ANC

    Not rated yet
  • Baltimore Catechisms
    • 20% less

    In the nineteenth century, repeated efforts had been made in the United States towards an arrangement by which a uniform textbook of Christian Doctrine might be used by all Catholics. At last, in 1885, was issued "A Catechism of Christian Doctrine, Prepared and Enjoined by Order of the Third Council of Baltimore." Although the council had desired a catechism "perfect in every respect" (Acta et Decr., p. 219), theologians and teachers criticized several points. Soon various editions came forth with additions of word-meanings, explanatory notes, some even with different Arrangements, so that soon there was a considerable diversity in the books that go by the name of Baltimore Catechism; however, all editions maintain uniform doctrinal teaching. Below we show the more popular Baltimore Catechisms, which were used to instruct generations of Catholics since they first appeared in 1885.

    All books in this series are authentic reprints (as all of our books). No revisions or “updates” have been made. Many Baltimore Catechisms on the market today have only the basic answer and have been gutted of a more complete explanation and Scriptural reference. We assure our faithful customers that all Catechisms are complete without any revision or “update” of any kind.

    Set available (Primer not included in set, must be ordered separately) in drop down list below!

    Baltimore Catechism Primer. A Catechism Primer of Christian Doctrine by Roderick MacEachen, D.D.. Impr 1910. Contains 34 short lessons. This is a Child’s Prayer Book. It is touchingly simply, and millions of copies sold in the last century. It contains no “baby talk,” no sentimentalism, no distracting figures of speech. Every phrase is in the simply and natural language that children would utter in spontaneous, sincere prayers. Many grown-ups love to use this prayer book because of its devout sincerity. 72 page booklet. N-BCP

    Baltimore Catechism #1. A Catechism of Christian Doctrine Prepared and Enjoined By Order of the Third Plenary Council of Baltimore. Impr 1885. Contains 33 lessons along with prayers and hymns. 64 page booklet. Usually used in grades 1 through 4. N-BC1

    Baltimore Catechism #2. Impr 1911. Contains 37 lessons of considerably more depth and explanation. We have been told this version of Baltimore #2 is comparable to the #3 versions on the market. 128 pages N-BC2

    Baltimore Catechism #3. An Advanced Catechism of Catholic Faith and Practice. For Use in the Higher Grades of Catholic Schools. Compiled by Rev. Thomas J. O’Brien. Impr 1901. The aim of this Advanced Catechism is to show that the feasts, devotions, and practices of the Church, together with the duties of the Christian life, are the logical out-growth of the revealed truths of Faith and Morals. It is hoped, the advanced pupils will be able to see clearly the intimate relations between Catholic Faith and Practice, and will grow in admiration and love of the living and practical truths taught and enforced by the Church. 251 page book. N-BC3

    Baltimore Catechism #4. Also called An Explanation of the Catechism of Christian Doctrine No. 4. For Use of Sunday School Teachers and Advanced Classes by Rev. Thomas L. Kinkead. Impr 1891. This book is intended for use in high schools, academies and advanced classes in Sunday schools. 421 questions with detailed answers, often over a page in length. A wonderful reference work that will serve the teacher or parent for a life time. 400 pages, PB. N-BC4

    • $41.62

    • SKU: N-BC

    Score: 4.33 (votes: 3)
  • By Rev. William L. Doty.

    By skillfully employing the technique of narrative and dialogue. Fr. Doty has succeeded in vividly dramatizing the religious truths of the Catechism in terms of everyday living. He has done this by taking situations and incidents that arise in the lives of average boys and girls and building around them interesting stories which illustrate the teachings of the Church.

    176 page book, Impr 1948.

    • $11.95

    • SKU: N-CASC

    Not rated yet
  • By Rev. W. Faerber. Imprimatur 1897.

    “Seek ye therefore first the kingdom of God and His justice” Matt. 6,33 Many will remember this Catechism from years past for the clever explanations in small print for many of the questions. For example, Question 276: “How must we resist temptations? We must resist temptations immediately by praying, and by turning our thoughts to other things.” Then in small print: “When a spark of fire falls on our clothes we shake it off instantly.” An intermediate Catechism, it contains 486 questions and answers, often with detailed explanation in smaller print, Prayers and Instructions, Devotions for Confession and a section on the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and Latin Mass Prayers for servers and singers.

    132 page book.

    • $12.80

    • SKU: N-CATF

    Not rated yet
  • Catechism of Perseverance
    • 11% less

    an Historical, Doctrinal, Moral, and Liturgical Exposition or Catholic Religion.

    Translated from the French of Abbe Gaume by Rev. F. B. Jamison

        The great merit of the Catechism of Perseverance as a text-book for the more advanced instruction of young persons in the history, doctrines and practices of the Christian religion, has been universally admitted. The plan followed by the author is such as to facilitate very much the acquisition of this necessary knowledge, by presenting a connected idea of religion from the creation of man to the end of time. For a more particular explanation of his method, we refer the reader to his introductory remarks. The first edition of the abridged work in English was received with the warmest commendations of the press. In presenting it again to the public, we beg leave to state that it has undergone a careful revision, and many inaccuracies of expression have been corrected. A table of contents has also been added, which will be found very convenient in a book containing so many details. We offer it therefore with confidence to the Catholic community, hoping that it will meet their approbation and answer the important ends for which it was designed.

    Imprimatur 1850, 413 page book.

    • $23.50

    • SKU: N-CAPE

    Not rated yet
  • Catechism of the "Summa Theologica" of Saint Thomas Aquinas for the Use of the Faithful
    • 20% less

    By Rev. R.P. Thomas Pegues, O.P.
    Adapted from the French and Done into English by Rev. Ælred Whitacre, O.P.

    Imprimatur, 1922. 315 page book.

    The manifold honours paid by the Holy See to St. Thomas Aquinas exclude for ever any doubt from the mind of Catholics with regard to his being raised up by God as the master of Doctrine to be followed by the Church through all ages. It is therefore fitting that singular wisdom of the Holy Doctor should be made accessible, not only to the clergy, but to the faithful in general, and to whomsoever desired to make a deeper study of the things of religion, for in truth, the nearer one approaches to the light, so much the more is one enlightened.

    Readers that wish to study the doctrine more deeply will find much help in the references quoted at the end of most of the answers to the questions; they refer to the Summa Theologica itself.

    This catechism is divided into three parts: of God, of Man, and Jesus Christ.

    • $16.32

    • SKU: N-CST

    Not rated yet
  • Catechism of the Council of Trent
    • 20% off

    The Church at the Council of Trent, assembled Dec. 13, 1545, seeing the need of a uniform and comprehensive manual which would supply parish priests with an official book of instruction for the faithful, ordered the preparation of the work which has ever since been known as the Catechism of the Council of Trent. There is no single-volume work which so combines solidity of doctrine and practical usefulness with unction of treatment as does this truly marvelous Catechism. From beginning to end it not only reflects the light of faith, but it also radiates, to an unwonted degree, the warmth of devotion and piety.

    664 page book, Impr 1923.

    • $21.40

    • SKU: N-TRENT

    Score: 4.67 (votes: 3)
  • A teacher’s Aid-book in five parts with references to the Baltimore Catechism No. 2 This book is meant to be used with the Abbreviated Catechism, which forms the catechism-course for ‘senior’ children (elementary schools). It is, of course, no substitute for the doctrinal aid-book covering the same ground.

    480 page book, Impr 1939.

    • $26.45

    • SKU: N-CAST

    Not rated yet
  • Written solely for entertainment!
    By Herbert A. Kenny, A.B. & Geoffrey P Keane, A.B., M.D.

    Fun for all ages! Share a fun and spiritually educational night with the family!
    Contains 40 quizzes of 20 questions each and 2 “advanced” quizzes with 100 questions each. From the Author’s Preface: Although intended chiefly for Catholics, it should nevertheless by of interest to non-Catholics with a general knowledge of the Church. To Catholics and non-Catholics alike it should provide a ready reference book on a variety of matters.

    216 page book, Impr 1945

    • $13.90

    • SKU: N-CQB

    Not rated yet
  • My Catholic Faith
    • 7% less

    A Catechism in Pictures

    by Bishop Morrow.

    This is the edition first printed in the 1950’s.
    Very complete, it covers every subject from Angels to Zeal. Hundreds of beautiful  illustrations!  Prepared for those who desire to a have a concise knowledge of the doctrines and practices of the Catholic Church. It is a complete catechism, useful for ready reference, for it takes up in a clean and practical manner the questions and subjects that are likely to arouse the interest of the general reader, whether Catholic or non-Catholic. The perfect gift!

    8 x 10. 415 pages.

    • $27.90

    • SKU: N-MCF

    Not rated yet
  • New Hardbound edition! Sewn pages and gold embossed cover!

    A Catechism in Pictures

    by Bishop Morrow.

    This is the edition first printed in the 1950’s.
    Very complete, it covers every subject from Angels to Zeal. Hundreds of beautiful  illustrations!  Prepared for those who desire to a have a concise knowledge of the doctrines and practices of the Catholic Church. It is a complete catechism, useful for ready reference, for it takes up in a clean and practical manner the questions and subjects that are likely to arouse the interest of the general reader, whether Catholic or non-Catholic. The perfect gift!

    8 x 10. 415 pages.

    • $44.00

    • SKU: HB-MCF

    Not rated yet
  • Based upon the Third Plenary Council Catechism and the Decree of First Communion for Little Children. Arranged by Rev. Thomas J. O’Brien. Originally printed by Benziger Brothers in 1912. A touching little booklet with 13 line drawings that relate to the topic being taught. Includes instruction for Confession and Holy Communion and Hymns along with 27 Lessons.

    42 page booklet.

    • $5.98


    Not rated yet

    By The Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

    Imprimatur 1927, 80 page book.

    Full color pictures selected to be interesting to children! My Mass Book has been prepared primarily for children of the first three grades. My Mass Book represents an effort to bring the mysteries of our holy Faith to the sympathetic attention of little children in a manner suited to their capacity and to the deep direction of their lives toward God. To summarize, it is the wonderful story of how our Father, God, loves us, His children.



    • $17.80

    • SKU: N-MMB

    Not rated yet
  • Radio Replies - Complete in 3 Volumes
    • 10% less

    By Rev. Leslie Rumble and Rev. Charles Mortimer Carty.

    In their heyday these books had distributions worldwide in the millions. They are described that ”here at last is the book that has something for everybody, the book for the uninformed Catholic, the unknown educated and educated lapsed Catholic, and the prospective convert. Because of the author’s, genius for brevity, preciseness, fearlessness, and keen logic that avoids the usually long Scriptural and Traditional arguments of the average question-and-answer book, which is beyond the capacity of the man in the street; These manuals have attracted readers throughout the world.

    Volume One, 359 pages, Impr. 1938, has 1588 Questions and Answers
    Volume Two, 358 pages, Impr. 1940, has 1422 Questions and Answers
    Volume Three, 360 pages. Impr. 1941, has 1364 Questions and Answers.

    Readers will enjoy the piquant nature of these books, and will find them to be downright enjoyable and stimulating, while providing a wealth of knowledge.

    • $64.70

    • SKU: N-RRSET

    Not rated yet
Items: 115 of 18, per page