
Items: 115 of 125, per page
  • 32 pages, 8.5” x 11”. Most pages have a beautiful line drawing and story on opposite page.

    • $4.00

    • SKU: N-7

    Score: 5.00 (votes: 2)
  • By Ruth Hannon.
    Illustrated by Ted Chaiko.

    Imprimatur 1956, 58 page book.

    A Catholic Child’s Picture Dictionary has been planned as a first dictionary for the young Catholic to use at home or in school. This beautifully illustrated and easy-to-read book will be an invaluable tool to aid the child in his search for the exact meanings of religious terms and in their understanding of the Catholic faith. Among the many attractive features of this book are:

    • Definitions of more than 400 words of Catholic interest.
    • Simple words, short sentences, and large type that make the book easy to read.
    • More than 350 beautiful, full-color pictures that aid the child’s understanding of the definitions.
    • Emphasis throughout on Catholic practices in daily life.
    • A carefully selected list of words chosen from Catholic sources: prayers, Bible stories, the catechism, and Catholic school books.
    • Facts concerning the life of our Lord.
    • Interesting text that defines words, encourages the child to read, guides them to correct spellings, and aids them in creative writing.
    • Explanations of important truths of the Catholic religion.
    • Simplicity of arrangement that introduces the young reader to the mysteries
    • $12.95

    • SKU: N-CCPD

    Score: 5.00 (votes: 2)
  • By Robert Hugh Benson.

    Big children and small will be inspired by the rhymes and the profuse use of line drawings, to make it both simple and smart, throughout the book. The child is invited to “learn by heart” the whole Rule, not only a part. The beautiful line drawings follow a brother and sister throughout their day, when they awake, go to Church, eat their meals, learn their lessons, and have family time. The simple yet charming rhymes will teach a child how to act in Church, what to do when tempted, what to do when troubled, and much more. A real treasure for young and old!

    28 page book.

    • $8.25

    • SKU: N-RULE

    Score: 5.00 (votes: 1)
  • By Fr. Gales. Impr. 1952. Mary speaks to children about the story of Jesus from the very beginning to the time of his resurrection into heaven. Each page is beautifully illustrated with a total of 32 pages. Age range from 2-10. 

    • $6.00

    • SKU: N-LC

    Not rated yet
  • By Sister Mary Aurea.

    Imprimatur 1944, 31 pages.

    This pamphlet is not a complete biography of the Blessed Virgin. It aims only, in its combination of pictures (in black/white), poems, and stories, to provoke some happy thoughts about the most important events in the life of Our Lady.

    • $4.95

    • SKU: N-LLOL

    Not rated yet
  • 32 pages, 8.5” x 11”. Most pages have a beautiful line drawing and story on opposite page.

    Tells the Story of Noe and the Ark and how his people eventually became all the people of the world.

    • $4.00

    • SKU: N-33

    Score: 5.00 (votes: 1)
  • By Mgr. De Segur.

    This book is a brief primer to introduce young minds to the important but often difficult to explain concept of prayer. In easily understood passages, Msgr. De Segur enlightens us on what it means to pray, why we must pray, how we must pray, and when we must pray. Further, here are made the important distinctions between traditional prayers and the intimate relationship with the Creator that must be fostered by children early in life to ensure a lasting faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Impr, 1901, 63 page booklet.

    • $6.80

    • SKU: N-APOC

    Not rated yet
  • All 17 Coloring Books
    • 10% less

    32 pages, 8.5” x 11”. Most pages have a beautiful line drawing and story on opposite page.

    • $61.20

    • SKU: N-C17

    Not rated yet
  • By Robert Hugh Benson.
    Originally printed in 1905.

    The twenty-six SAINTS in this volume of rhymes
    Lived in various places and various times;
    But now they're together in Heaven, and know
    All we think, say and do in the world here below;
    And since all that you ask - if you pray for good ends -
    Will be granted by GOD at the prayer of His friends,
    You should call on these SAINTS in the days of your youth
    For the Peace of the Church and the Triumph of Truth.
       We hope, as these Rhymes are the best we can do,
       That the SAINTS will be pleased, and that you'll be pleased, too.

    30 page book.

    • $8.90

    • SKU: N-AOS

    Not rated yet
  • The Wonderful Christmas of Theresa

    by Brother George, F.I.C. Impr 1944.  

    Theresa was a young girl in a poverty stricken family, with a dying mother and no money to buy needed medication. It would seem that only a miracle could solve this problem, and that is what she got, but in a such a way one would not expect. This book, written at a child’s level, is very sentimental and will touch young and old alike. Parents can read and discuss this book with their young children as many moral lessons are brought out. 

    32 pages, 6 color, full page pictures.

    • $9.96

    • SKU: N-HNMA

    Score: 5.00 (votes: 1)
  • By Rev. Frederick A Reuter

    The greatest work in the world is the elucidation of God to the soul of the child. The time in which to store the mind with inspiring stories is early childhood. These Anecdotes - Sermonettes are especially rich in illustrative anecdotes of the kind well calculated to appeal to the heart and the imagination of the young. They can be used most effectively on Sundays within the octave of the feasts mentioned.

    97 page book, Impr 1918.

    • $11.90

    • SKU: N-ASCM

    Not rated yet
  • Illustrating the Catholic Catechism.

    The great value of illustrations in teaching children and the uneducated is universally acknowledged. Examples stimulate the imitative instinct, consequently they are a powerful factor in education. The examples in this book are taken from newspapers, schoolbooks, volumes of sermons, and spiritual works and have been arranged and adapted to serve the desired end.

    Impr 1906, 596 pg book.

    Rev. Francis Spirago.

    • $27.20

    • SKU: N-ANC

    Not rated yet
  • Angel City - Father Brennan
    • 10% off

    A Book for Children from Six to Sixty by Father Gerald T. Brennan.

    The popular author of children’s books has written what every priest and teacher – and may I emphasize parent? -  is looking for – sermons for children. Father Brennan writes on the child’s own level, with complete understanding and sympathy for the interest of boys and girls. Satisfaction guaranteed!

    94 page PB book. Impr. 1938. 

    • $10.71

    • SKU: N-ANCI

    Not rated yet
  • Little Talks to Little Folks

    By Fr. Gerald T. Brennan

    Imrpimatur 1938.

        The author has instructed hundreds of children with the teaching of our holy faith. His talks to little ones on Sunday mornings revealed that he knew the spiritual problems of his audience and he possessed a technique which enabled him to present our Blessed Lord’s teachings in the simple language which children understand.
        To appreciate the beauty and simplicity of the content of this book, you must approach it with the clear eyes of childhood. It is the intent of the author to present big truths to little folks in their own little way.
        Father Brennan has a style that intrigues children and allows them to remember his important messages. This book contains 31 delightful chapters.

    • $11.90

    • SKU: N-FOOD

    Score: 5.00 (votes: 1)
  • Preface by Rev. Augustine f. Hickey, S.T.L.

    Imprimatur and Nihl Obstat, 1918.

    Featuring 67 black/white line drawings.

    From the Preface:
    The problem of leading young minds to a realization and appreciation of the revealed word is solved most satisfactorily in the adoption of the story method. Every child instinctively loves a story. In gratifying this natural desire no narratives are more vivid, more appealing, and more valuable than those which graphically recount God’s merciful dealings with mankind. To bring the child to an active and enthusiastic knowledge of the sublime facts in Bible History is to give him a glorious background upon which he will be eager to sketch out his own eternal destiny. The impressive array of divine truths inculcates many compelling moral lessons. Each brief event makes its own contribution of love and inspiration, strengthening the sense of religious responsibility in the child. The delightful simplicity of the presentation of the eternal inheritances of man cannot but make a direct appeal to Catholic educators! Nothing which is helpful has been overlooked or forgotten. The illustrations, 67 total, that crown each story is an attractive centre wherein the child will see in clear vision all that the story tells.

    180 pages, size 4.5" x 7".

    • $12.35

    • SKU: N-BSC

    Score: 5.00 (votes: 1)
Items: 115 of 125, per page