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General Mickey

Score: 4.50 (votes: 4)

True Story by Peter Lappin

This is the story of a boy with a great heart. He is also a brave leader and has many followers. Although his real name is Michael Magone, he is known all over town simply as “The General”.

The General lives in a poor part of the town. Because of his surroundings and because he knows no better, he drifts into a dangerous way of life. Since he is the leader, his gang follows him. Some of them have already been in trouble. So far the General has escaped.

One day a stranger comes to town and accidentally meets the General. This stranger is a friend of boys - especially boys like the General. To the stranger no boy, up to now, has ever been a problem boy. He decides to help the General and offers him a chance to go along with him to a different kind of life.

The General is completely won over by the stranger and accepts. What happens when the General, on the very first day in his new home, runs into trouble? What are the curious methods the stranger adopts to help him?  That is the story of General Mickey and the stranger is none other than Don Bosco.

166 page book. Originally printed in 1952.

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Customer reviews
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Score: 4.50 (votes: 4)
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  • Stephanie
    Feb 6, 2017, 00:14
    Excellent book for all ages. It is an easy and fast read. It is very captivating and the story pulls you in very quickly. The story of this young youth and his struggles can be applied to the pressures of this day and age and how we can succeed with the grace of God in every step and effort we make. Excellent, Michael Magone pray for us.
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