The Catholic Bible in Pictures
This is a Catholic Bible Picture Book with a difference. There are over a thousand illustrations with a simple text based on the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Version, so designed that the Bible lives. The pictures are packed with action, and flow into one another in such a manner that the movement of the story is clearly seen. The whole is so presented that children as well as adults may see and understand.
In this book we have selected the main stories of the Bible, and used the pages as a screen on which to project their movement; keeping, in the briefest possible captions, the essential parts of the story in language based on the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Version, but tuned to our modern ear. There are three sections: “The Story of Jesus”; its background, “The Story of is People”; and its sequel, “The Story of His Church.”
320 page softbound book. Imprimatur, 1955.