
Items: 111 of 11, per page
  • Fr Daniel A. Lord, S.J.

    Imprimatur: Moyses E. Kiley, 1951.

    This is a prayer book for Communion Mass. This book is meant to aid in the precious moments of receiving our Eucharistic Savior. Suggestions on how to make thanksgiving after Holy Communion may be of help to even the most devout. This book will help us in talking and praying to Our Lord. Help is given to make petitions seem less stale and selfish and the virtues we should like to manifest seem more fresh and charming.

    319 page book.

    • $19.90

    • SKU: N-CIM

    Not rated yet
  • Compiled from approved sources and arranged by Rev. John A. Kalvelage, S. Ss. R.

    The great Doctor of Prayer, St. Alphonsus, assures us that the minutes immediately preceding and following the reception of Holy Communion are the most precious of our lives. It is then that God, in His infinite liberality, lavishes His choicest graces upon us. It is then that we are best disposed to receive them. Often, however, these precious moments come and go unattended by any serious effort to make a fitting preparation and thanksgiving. Hence, priceless graces, within easy reach, slip from our grasp.

    To that end this booklet is published. It contained five sets of Communion prayers. It also contains a list of practical petitions to direct the mind to specific intentions for which Holy Communion may be received.

    Impr 1941.


    • $5.90

    • SKU: N-CP

    Not rated yet
  • By A Sister of Notre Dame
    Illustrated by Wilfred Pippet

    A beautiful, enchanting set of twelve true stories about children who are due to receive their First Holy Communion or have already received it. Inspiring tales of children who strive to be like the Little Jesus by overcoming temptation, anger, poverty, and selfishness. A great read for all ages. 96 page book, Impr 1920.

    • $10.95

    • SKU: N-DAYS

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  • or, Strains of Love of the Fervent Soul Whose Happiness is Constituted by Holy Communion

    By Hubert Lebron.

    From the Preface:
    “The places where there is incessant struggling with fortune, glory, and so many devouring passions, these places are accursed regions, where nothing is heard but the noise of tempests, and the warnings of the storm.” This work is for “the Faithful who believe, and who make their faith their whole delight; ... (the words) will only be heard by pious souls, by souls that are tender and kind.” As a prelude to each chapter (which are not numbered) there is a text from Scripture and an extract from the best writers who have spoken of the Blessed Eucharist.” The words in this book go straight to the heart and a prolonged meditation seems to result without fail. A most unusual and rare book that we are grateful to offer.

    Impr, 1871. 315 page book.

    • $21.00

    • SKU: N-HCML

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  • Mass and Communion Prayers for Young Children.

    Impr, 1929, 96 pages.

    From the Preface by Rev. Msgr. Kelly: “Dear Boys and Girls: You will like this little book. Sister Alphonsus wrote it just for boys and girls. It is a book for you to take to Mass. Look at the pretty (colored) pictures. They will make you think of God. Read the words. They are holy words. You will read them to God. God will be glad to hear you. He will be glad to help you. God loves good children. Good children love God.”

    • $10.90

    • SKU: N-GTM

    Not rated yet
  • A wonderful prayer book for children. With chapters like: How to Spend the Day, Send Your Angel to Holy Mass, Communion Mass, Prayers for Confession, Visits to Jesus in the Tabernacle, etc. O happy children, you can be so near to Jesus! You can rest on His Heart. He blesses you; He smiles upon you. He does even more - in Holy Communion, He comes into your very heart!

    160 pg book, Impr.

    • $9.45

    • SKU: N-JHLC

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  • What the Very Young Need to Know for their First Holy Communion

    by The Most Reverend Louis LaRavoire Morrow, D.D.

        This book was prepared for children just beginning school:  five or six of age. It contains all that a child of that age needs to know before receiving his first Holy Communion. It tried to avoid all technical definition and abstract terms. It attempts to teach the child the loveliness and the truth of the Catholic Faith by telling only a few of the simplest facts, and presenting them in story and pictorial form. It is not so important that he memorize theological terms; it is very important that he learn to love God.
        Most lessons are divided into three parts: (1) a narrative, (2) informal questions based on the narrative, and (3) a few numbered questions with answers, of which those marked with an asterisk should be learned by heart.
        It is hoped that this little book will attract the interest of children and help them go to their catechism lesson with the eagerness of one about to listen to the most wonderful story in the world.

    Imprimatur 1941, 112 page book.

    • $12.48

    • SKU: N-MFC

    Score: 4.75 (votes: 4)
  • A small prayer book, perfect for a child, with words easily understood. Contains simplified Mass prayers, Litanies, Prayers before/after Communion and Confession and many more, even Vespers for Sundays.

    9 full-page line drawings.
    Impr, 1924. 92 page book.

    • $10.90

    • SKU: N-DECH

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  • Stories for Children. By Sister Mary Marguerite, C.S.J.

    Impr 1940. 100 pg, perfect bound.

    Any religious program, to succeed, must bring forth in the lives of the participants, religious living. It is the problem and the privilege of the religious teacher, whether at home or in the classroom, to foster and sustain in the child habits of thinking and acting as a child of God.

    Picture Jesus seated on the hillside where He has just proclaimed the Beatitudes. Mothers press close to Him with children for healing. After His work of mercy is completed, the other children break away from their mothers, to crowd about Him. One climbs into His lap and rests a small head contentedly on His shoulder. Another holds fast to His hand; a third links himself to His other arm. Still others stand at His knees or press against His shoulders. They leave with Him in their hearts and souls. Their lives are different for having known Him. All those they meet they bless with His own blessing. They live for Him. These stories will leave the child with thoughts of living good Catholic Life. First section covers the basics for any child under 7 and then advances from there.

    • $12.90

    • SKU: N-THG

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  • By Mother Mary Loyola.

    There will be many who will find here the expression of what they have often deeply felt and been unable to put satisfactorily into words for themselves. But there will also be others for whom its most useful function will be to suggest and to stimulate. This book is not meant to be a prayer book, but rather to propose a dominant thought, to fall in with a mood, or need, or burden. There is no reason to doubt that those who use this little book in this spirit will find it both immediately and permanently helpful as an aid to their devotion in holy Communion.

    358 Pages. 1904 Imp.

    • $19.96

    • SKU: N-WELHC

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  • Prayers and Instructions for Youthful Catholics.

    Imprimatur 1922. 272 page book.

    This beautiful prayer book is complete with Holy Mass, and many necessary prayers and litanies for the young child. Litanies include those to: the Holy Name of Jesus, the Sacred Heart, the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Joseph, the Guardian Angel, the Holy Souls, the Little Flower and others. The book also contains 9 wonderful stories or short sermons in simple language the child will understand. This book will make an ideal First Communion Book! A beautiful First Communion prayer book!

    Available in black or white cover!

    • $14.95

    • SKU: N-WJ

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