My Yoke is Sweet - Rev. John Kearney
Materials for Meditation on the Spiritual Life.
The following pages have as object, first, to set forth the nature of the “yoke” of Christ as involving the conformity of our will to His; secondly, to indicate the source of its sweetness - the adorable perfections of God revealed in all their attractiveness by the life of Jesus. This sweetness, this contentment is experienced according to the completeness of the soul’s surrender to Him. As the volume is intended to supply matter for meditation rather than for continuous reading, each chapter has been made complete as possible, the important conclusions being indicated in each case, and all centring around one major theme - the idea of spiritual life as revealed by Our Divine Lord in His teaching and His life, and as summarised in the words of Our Lady: “Behold the servant of the Lord” - I am ready to do His will; “be it done unto me according to Thy word” - let God do to me as He wills.
Impr, 1937, 327 page book.
Other books by Father Kearney:
As I Have Loved You
Treasure in Heaven
My Yoke is Sweet
Learn of Me
You Shall Find Rest
Our Greatest Treasure
The Meaning of the Mass
My Spiritual Exercises