The Divine Armory of Holy Scripture - Rev. Kenelm Vaughan
The compilation of this Divine Armory of Holy Scripture was suggested by a small volume which first appeared two hundred years ago, entitles “Theologia Scripturea Divinae,” auctore Henrico Marcellio, S.J.; and upon the idea and plan of that work it is to some extent based. But it has been so greatly amplified that it may be regarded as in reality a new work, modified in plan, and containing six times as much matter as the original. That this collection of biblical texts may help to show forth more clearly the scriptural character of the teaching and liturgy of Holy Church, and that it may increase in those who use it a knowledge and love of the Sacred Writing from which it is compiled, is the earnest hope and prayer of the compiler.
By Rev. Kenelm Vaughan.
Impr, 1943. 444 page book.