Enlarged edition including organ accompaniment.
A complete collections of approved English and Latin hymns, motets, masses and Liturgical Music for the various Seasons of the Ecclesiastical Year.
Revised edition of the St. Gregory Hymnal and Catholic Choir Book.
All the Hymns, Chants and Motets contained in the original edition of the St. Gregory Hymnal are to be found in the Revised Edition (with one exception). The original numbers have likewise been retained.
The Supplement consists of 100 pages of new material [in this 1940 edition]; Chants, Hymns, Motets, etc. in Latin and in English, designed for use by the congregation or the choir during the various seasons of the Ecclesiastical Year. Among these will be found many Chants and Motets now published for the first time, viz.: the Ambrosian Chant;-"Venite omnis creatura": music for First Mass, "Juravit Dominus", ("Tu es Sacerdos,") and new Benediction Motets or music for Offertory and general use, suited to the capacity of choirs of fair ability and limited resources. The inclusion of programs and music for the choir at Pontifical functions (Consecration, Installation and Visitation of a Bishop) should prove serviceable to organist and singers alike. Certain Chants missing in the earlier editions have been added, viz: "Asperges me", "Vidi Aquam", the Ambrosian "Gloria" and the authentic Credo No. 1. The traditional melody of the "Christus Vincit'' is also included. This is the version generally sung after the Pontifical Functions in Rome. In other countries is is often sung at the close of solemn ceremonies (Forty Hours' or other special occasions).
The program for the Requiem Mass and the Absolution, with the required music for these functions may be found under one number (270). The portions missing in earlier editions are given in their proper order. Optional settings of the "Graduale", "Tract", "Offertory" and the "Subvenite" are included.
A Complete list of Hymns, Motets, etc. contained in the Supplement, will be
found on page 522.
The Revised Edition of the St. Gregory Hymnal and Catholic Choir Book is
offered in observance of the twentieth anniversary of the publication of the
first edition.
The St. Gregory Guild, Inc.
Feast of Saint Cecilia, 1940.
English section contains over 150 hymns for Advent, Christmas, Lent, Palm Sunday, Pentecost, Holy Communion, and many more. The Latin section contains nearly 300 Liturgical Hymns, Motets, Offertory pieces, Litanies and Chants. The Gregorian Chant is transcribed from the Vatican Official Books.
Impr 1920. 621 page book.