
Items: 115 of 15, per page
  • by Albert A. Murray, C.S.P.

    Imprimatur, 1949.

    Compiled and arranged for private and congregational use. The most beautiful way of showing Almighty God how grateful you are for the gift of the Catholic Faith is by helping to share it with others. It has been said that the most divine of divine works is to cooperate with God in the salvation of a soul. This opportunity is open to all, including the laity. This booklet was compiled to stimulate interest in conversions and as a practical prayer aid. Converts come into the Church through prayer, hence this booklet can be of immense help.

    32 page booklet.

    • $4.90

    • SKU: N-NC

    Score: 4.50 (votes: 4)
  • By Father Lovasik.

    First printed with Imprimatur in 1954, 40 page booklet.

    This booklet is written to further devotion to one of the greatest of modern saints, Saint Pius X. Even in his lifetime he was called Il Santo - the Saint, and Pope Pius XII justly calls him “The Providential Saint of Our Times.” There is a very close relationship of spirit between these two glorious Pontiffs of the Church. Hence the reflections used in the Novena are taken from the writings of both. These writings beautifully portray the great heart of Saint Pius X.

    • $5.95

    • SKU: N-NPX

    Score: 5.00 (votes: 1)
  • The Solution of All Your Problems. A Storm Novena consists of nine visits to the Blessed Sacrament in one day, praying on one's knees, and with outstretched arms, to obtain a speedy and unfailing answer to prayer. The Franciscan sisters define it in these terms: "Storm" means a sudden, forceful assault in the shape of ardent prayers on heaven at the throne of our divine Lord, so that he will take immediate note and answer them readily.This novena is based upon the words of our Lord in St. Luke, 11, 5-13. Impr 1943, 40 page booklet

    • $4.50

    • SKU: N-STORM

    Not rated yet
  • Large print Holy Hours is a perfect print to not strain the eyes and great for everyday reading.

    by Rev. Father Mateo Crawley-Boevey, SS. CC.
    Imprimatur, 1953. 708 pages.

    The words of Father Mateo, even in cold print, will stir the affections to a more ardent love for the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament. This book was not written for pious souls only. Let the lukewarm, the indifferent, even the unbeliever give it a reading. Who can estimate the real worth of the silent hours before the Tabernacle in which devout souls with Jesus seek true peace for all the world? Father Mateo's Apostolate is the answer to the tragedies of the times. It almost seems that these things are permitted to draw devout souls closer to Jesus who will hold up before this sin-stained, troubled world the Scourged, Thorn-crowned, Bleeding Savior, and in pious triumph cry out: "Behold your King!". In this book are offered twenty-one different Holy Hours as a token of love and reparation to the most Sacred Heart of Jesus, the King enthroned in very many Catholic homes, and the Adorable Friend of parents and children. The Holy Hours include one for each month, one to start the New Year, Holy Hour for the intimate family and social reign of the Sacred Heart, Holy Hour to enlighten and comfort souls who suffer, etc.

    • $28.95

    • SKU: N-HH

    Score: 4.00 (votes: 1)
  • Regular size Holy Hours is perfect to fit right in your pocket or purse!

    by Rev. Father Mateo Crawley-Boevey, SS. CC.
    Imprimatur, 1953. 708 pages.

    The words of Father Mateo, even in cold print, will stir the affections to a more ardent love for the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament. This book was not written for pious souls only. Let the lukewarm, the indifferent, even the unbeliever give it a reading. Who can estimate the real worth of the silent hours before the Tabernacle in which devout souls with Jesus seek true peace for all the world? Father Mateo's Apostolate is the answer to the tragedies of the times. It almost seems that these things are permitted to draw devout souls closer to Jesus who will hold up before this sin-stained, troubled world the Scourged, Thorn-crowned, Bleeding Savior, and in pious triumph cry out: "Behold your King!". In this book are offered twenty-one different Holy Hours as a token of love and reparation to the most Sacred Heart of Jesus, the King enthroned in very many Catholic homes, and the Adorable Friend of parents and children. The Holy Hours include one for each month, one to start the New Year, Holy Hour for the intimate family and social reign of the Sacred Heart, Holy Hour to enlighten and comfort souls who suffer, etc.

    • $20.95

    • SKU: N-HOUR

    Score: 4.00 (votes: 3)
  • for All the Feasts of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
    by Father Lawrence G. Lovasik.
    The aim of this booklet is to unite souls more closely to our Heavenly Mother, Mary, that through her they may belong to Jesus Christ in a more nearly perfect manner. It offers a two-fold means to attain this end. The first is the use of the Liturgical Novenas and Triduums, which have been drawn exclusively from the Church’s Liturgy, namely, from the Roman Breviary and the Missal. Liturgical Novenas and Triduums was prepared to extend almost continuously throughout the year. The second means which this booklet offers to unite souls to Mary is the entire consecration to her as explained in Part II. May this consecration to Mary be the happy consequence of thinking of her daily in terms of the Liturgy! Impr 1941. PB, 128 pages.

    • $9.90

    • SKU: N-LN

    Not rated yet
  • This devotion to Our Sorrowful Mother is new only in its Novena form. The Via Matris and the other prayers date back to the Middle Ages. The devotion itself - devotion to Mary’s Sorrows - is as old as the Catholic Church. May the day be not far distant when all the world will return to Christ through Mary - Ad Jesum per Mariam!

    48 page, Impr 1937.

    • $4.98

    • SKU: N-OSM

    Not rated yet
  • Novena in Honor of St. Patrick
    • 20% off

    St. Patrick, Apostle of Ireland, Defender of the Faith. Beautiful little prayer book includes: Prayer for Happy Death, Prayer for zeal, Benediction Hymn, Litany of St. Patrick, Litany of the Saints of Ireland (very unusual!), Prayer for All Those Near to Us, Prayer for Purity, Learning Christ and much more!

    Impr 1958, 32 page booklet.

    • $3.89


    Not rated yet
  • Impr. 1927, 14 page booklet. Perfect for the Christmas season to celebrate our Dear Lord's birth. Comes with prayers, hymns, and aspirations; perfect for those looking for a little extra guidance during this joyous month.

    • $2.00

    • SKU: N-NCJ

    Not rated yet
  • This novena is a prayerful consideration of the two Eves - the first Eve who turned from God to sin, and the second Eve, Mary, who in the quiet of prayerful Nazareth turned to God with such limitless love that she drew the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity from heaven. Every day of the novena is completely different! 32 page booklet.

    • $3.25

    • SKU: N-NMI

    Not rated yet
  • From the text:
    For the convenience of the clients of Our Lady of Lourdes the following prayers have been prepared from meditations on the apparitions to Little Bernadette.  Starts with the story of Lourdes then continues with the prayers for each day during the novena.

    10 page booklet, Impr 1924

    • $2.48

    • SKU: N-NOL

    Not rated yet
  • A Novena is a series of religious exercises continued for nine days in succession. It is one of the most efficacious means of obtaining favors from Heaven, for it imposes perseverance, a virtue which is necessary for every successful prayer. The associates are urged to sanctify their novena by a good Confession and fervent Holy Communion.

    Impr 1904. 24 page booklet.

    • $4.26

    • SKU: N-NSH

    Not rated yet
  • By Charles Lacey

    This is the very popular 27 day novena with 27 days of thanksgiving.

    Each mystery of the rosary is approached by a short meditation on the Mystery ending with the words "I humbly pray"; then follows the traditional prayers of the decade; this is concluded with a petitionary phrase. Opposite each mystery is a color picture.

    52 page book, Impr, 1954.

    • $7.95

    • SKU: RN777

    Not rated yet
  • St. Andrew Novena Chaplet
    • 70% less
    Handmade at our location!
    15 amethyst colored beads to recite the St. Andrew Novena 15 times daily. 
    Includes one novena prayer card.
    St. Andrew Novena Starts November 30th!
    • $8.95

    • SKU: N-SANC

    Score: 4.50 (votes: 2)
  • We sincerely trust that this book will encourage many more of the faithful throughout the land to participate in giving glory to God through devotion to our Blessed Lady and the saints. Beautifully decorated with many illustrations. Contains many beautiful and unusual novenas, prayers, and hymns.

    Impr 1956. 371 page book.

    Table of Contents:

    Novena for Christmas
    Novena to the Infant Jesus of Prague
    Novena in Honor of Our Lady of Lourdes and Saint Bernadette
    Novena of Grace
    Novena in Honor of Saint Joseph
    Novena in Honor of Our Sorrowful Mother
    Novena to the Holy Ghost
    Novena to the Sacred Heart
    Novena to Saint Anthony
    Novena to Saint Mary Goretti
    Novena in Honor of Our Mother of Perpetual Help
    Novena to Saint Anne
    Novena to Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima
    Novena in Honor of the Little Flower
    Novena to Saint Gerard Majella
    Novena to Saint Jude
    Novena fo the Holy Souls in Purgatory
    Novena in Honor of Our Lady of the MIraculous Medal
    The Holy Hour of Adoration
    The Fourty Hours' Devotion
    A Treasury of Prayers
    A Treasury of Hymns

    • $16.90

    • SKU: N-CFBN

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