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All My Days for God

Score: 4.00 (votes: 4)

Reflections and Affections from the Spiritual Writings of Saint Alphonsus.
Vol. 1 - Advent - Sexagesima

Selected and Edited by Reb. J.B. Coyle, C.Ss.R.

Father Coyle hopes to give us, for every day of the year [in four separate volumes], some of the most beautiful and helpful things for salvation that St. Alphonsus ever wrote. These volumes will give us the Reflections and Resolutions and devout Prayers that helped St. Alphonsus himself and made him a saint. Surely they will help to sanctify ourselves, too, so that all the days of our life may be for God and for our own eternal welfare.
This volume is a timely publication, especially in an age when men the world over have let their hearts on material things and have thrust God into the background. Men to-day have plenty of time for pleasure, plenty of time for study and research, plenty of time to seek for riches, but they have no time for God. Fools that they are, they are only wasting their time when they fail to make God the end and object of their life work.
In these volumes St. Alphonsus is going to confide to you his secret of success and happiness. He is going to teach you how easy it is to give all your days to God.

Impr, 1946. 230 page book.

  • $18.20

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Score: 4.00 (votes: 4)
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  • Military Mommy
    Feb 18, 2022, 09:46
    This is a WONDERFUL book! Each day has 2 parts which can be read in the morning and evening, or all at once. The reflections are short enough to read in a few minutes, and they are so powerful that they definitely you can't read them without deepening your spiritual life. Looking forward to the other 3 books in the series to be printed soon!!
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