Devotion & Spirituality

Items: 115 of 77, per page
  • A very touching , special Holy Hour to honor Mothers.

    "For A Mother Watching Beside the Bed of Her Child."
    Impr 1953.

    Taken from Holy Hours
    by Rev. Mateo Crawley-Boevey, SS.CC.

    Quotes from the book:
    “In the name of my child and of my family: I believe, I believe in Your love... I adore, I adore Your Heart, O Jesus!”

    “Remember Jesus, Your heavenly rest in Mary’s arms, while her maternal heart grieved in secret. By that grief, to repay her solicitude and tenderness, save my child likewise entrusted to the arms of Mary. 41 page booklet. ”

    • $1.98

    • SKU: N-MHH

    Score: 5.00 (votes: 2)
  • By Rev. J. P. De Caussade, S.J.

    This book contains the complete English translation of the 10th French Edition by Fr. H. Ramiere, S.J.
    391 page book, PB.

    A portion of this remarkable work (the theoretical part) has been available for some time, but devout souls will now welcome the complete translation, to include also the practical part, which answers objections, solves difficulties and gives practical advice, in addition to the theoretical part. This practical part takes up the greater part of the book by far. Earnest souls living in the world will derive from their perusal a most efficacious means for the attainment of resignation and peace in the midst of the worries and anxieties of life. What makes this book especially valuable and useful in an eminently practical manner, is the circumstance that they are addressed to persons suffering under different kinds of darkness, desolation and trials; in a word, to those whom God designs for a higher degree of sanctity.

    • $22.40

    • SKU: N-ADP

    Score: 5.00 (votes: 1)
  • Imprimatur 1854.

    The Easy Ways of Divine Love

        One of Fr. Faber’s greatest books, it was written precisely to help us save our souls by serving Jesus out of love, he demonstrates that the more you grow in love for Jesus, the more you’ll be able to face difficult days with a full heart. This book teaches you how to remember God throughout the day and to offer your love to Him. Makes a person feel rich to be a Catholic. This is Fr. Faber at his best!

    454 page book.

    • $19.90

    • SKU: N-ALL

    Score: 5.00 (votes: 1)
  • Ten Popular Essays on General Aspects of the Sacred Scriptures - Rev. Francis E. Gigot

    The Lectures contained in this volume have not been prepared with the view of giving an exhaustive treatment of the topics chosen, but consist of short essays destined to set forth in a popular manner, some of those general aspects of the Bible that appeal to all who wish to obtain a fair acquaintance with the Sacred Scriptures, and also, the aim of the author is to give information that is truly useful and entirely trustworthy.

    By Rev. Francis E. Gigot, S.S.
    Impr, 1901.385 page book.

    • $22.70

    • SKU: N-BL

    Score: 5.00 (votes: 1)
  • by Rev. Francis Finn, S.J.

    Originally printed by Benzinger Bros in 1926, 256 pages.

    Fr. Finn is “universally acknowledged the foremost Catholic writer of fiction for young people.” His books were available in Braille, and were translated into many other languages. It was Fr. Finn's lifelong conviction that "One of the greatest things in the world is to get the right book into the hands of the right boy or girl. No one can indulge in reading to any extent without being largely influenced for better or worse." This book features six stories, each filled with emotion, excitement and stories for the young but indeed for all ages. This can be a wonderful gift for children and grandchildren. One teen told us it is more enjoyable than watching the best movie; it teaches virtue and goodness without being “preachy”.


    • $15.90

    • SKU: N-BEAM

    Not rated yet
  • The Feasts, Fasts, Devotions of the Ecclesiastical Year.

    The Church, being empowered by Christ to regulate Divine worship, has established Christian feasts. They afford us an opportunity of paying our homage to God Almighty. Religious fasts are appointed by the Church to help us to control the passions of our corrupt nature, by reason and religion. They also serve to satisfy God’s justice on account of our past sins.

    199 page book.

    • $15.95

    • SKU: N-CL

    Not rated yet
  • Christmas and the Saints
    • 10% off

    Ever since that night nearly two thousand years ago when the Infant Savior of the World smiled up from a manger in a poor village in Judea, men’s hearts have gladdened at the angel’s good tidings and their eyes have turned toward Bethlehem for a glimpse of the Divine Child. This is the story of how those good tidings reached us, of how they passed from land to land and from saint to saint, of how Christmas customs sprang up from the hearts of people of every land. From the lands of the Magi back to the fourth-century Bethlehem of St. Helena, and on to the Emerald Isle of St. Brigid, to the thirteenth-century Italy of St. Francis, all the way to La Navidad in the New World - so the good tidings were carried. And with them came, one by one, the tree, the gifts, the crib - all the customs which bind our own time and place with the Bethlehem of long ago. In a beautiful blend of history and legend, Hertha Pauli weaves together the story of the world’s Christmas.

    190 page book, Impr, 1956.

    • $12.51

    • SKU: N-CATS

    Score: 5.00 (votes: 1)
  • By Ludovicus Blosius.

    Comfort, true and solid, is often what the soul’s need.  This pitiful cry of the children of God is answered in this book. He addresses only “men of good will,” those who have declared war with sin, and though with plenty of defects, miseries and imperfections, never go on living in sin, and have no affection for any sin however small. No soul, however thoroughly faint-hearted, could read this book without being permanently cheered and encouraged. 

    Imprimatur,176 page book.

    • $11.79

    • SKU: N-FAINT

    Not rated yet
  • By Fr. Michael Muller C.SS.R.

    Fr. Muller stresses his great acclamation of the devotion upon which the salvation of great multitudes of sinners rests. The heartfelt recitation of the Rosary and meditation is the best thank you we can give to Mary for her unfathomable mercies. The Rosary dates back to some of the first Christians on the earth. We learn the history of the Rosary, what the Rosary is, the benefits, devotions, temporal blessings, we must say the Rosary with humility, for a lawful object, with fervor, and we must say with confidence. Every Catholic can benefit from reading this book.

    333 Page book. Impr, 1876.

    • $20.35

    • SKU: N-DHR

    Score: 5.00 (votes: 1)
  • For Month of May, Our Lady's Feasts, and Similar Occasions
    By The Rev. Nicholas O'Rafferty.
    Intended for the month of May, for the Feasts of Our Lady. However, the book is very informative and completely fitting for anytime of the year.   In some countries such as Italy, as well in other places in the world, a sermon is preached every day in May. It is the writer’s hope and prayer that these humble discourses may promote and maintain true devotion to Our Blessed Lady. The life of Mary is told using scriptural passages in many cases.
    33 chapters. 250 page book. Impr,1948
    • $16.95

    • SKU: N-DOL

    Not rated yet
  • Rev. Jos. W. Printon, C. Ss. R.

    This booklet offers a suitable set of Hymns and prayers for the devotion of the Holy Hour. The prayers contained in this booklet have been carefully selected as appealing most intimately to the Heart of our sacramental God, and are all officially approved by the Church.

    Imprimatur 1934, 48 page booklet.

    • $4.98

    • SKU: N-EHH

    Not rated yet
  • by Rev. James Fenlon Finley, C.S.P. Imprimatur, 1953. 28 pages. This booklet is about lapsed Catholics who returned to the practice of their Faith. The booklet starts showing 7 steps towards a “Pattern of Loss” that leads to laxness and indifference to the Faith and the reversal of those patterns leading to a strong Faith. Faith is too important to be neglected. Faith lost . . . with God to guide you, can be found.

    • $4.48

    • SKU: N-LOST

    Not rated yet
  • A Modern Discussion of an Unpopular Subject, by Fr. Daniel Lord, S.J.

    Father explains that in older days the same sins could be found as we have today, but the sinner would accuse himself of the sin and confess it; now, the same sin is not recognized as such, but is seen as a virtue! The sinner is not happy and receives no comfort from the world; it is left for the merciful, sin-crucified Christ to clasp the penitent sinner to His heart.

    1929, Booklet, 28 pages.

    • $4.16

    • SKU: N-FS

    Not rated yet
  • Impr 1953. 59 page booklet.

    Taken from Holy Hours by Rev. Mateo Crawley-Boevey, SS.CC.

    For the Feast of Christ the King, the last Sunday in October, and also for special occasion, social crises, and threats or attacks against the Divine Kingship of Christ.


    • $4.98

    • SKU: N-HHFCK

    Not rated yet
  • Large print Holy Hours is a perfect print to not strain the eyes and great for everyday reading.

    by Rev. Father Mateo Crawley-Boevey, SS. CC.
    Imprimatur, 1953. 708 pages.

    The words of Father Mateo, even in cold print, will stir the affections to a more ardent love for the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament. This book was not written for pious souls only. Let the lukewarm, the indifferent, even the unbeliever give it a reading. Who can estimate the real worth of the silent hours before the Tabernacle in which devout souls with Jesus seek true peace for all the world? Father Mateo's Apostolate is the answer to the tragedies of the times. It almost seems that these things are permitted to draw devout souls closer to Jesus who will hold up before this sin-stained, troubled world the Scourged, Thorn-crowned, Bleeding Savior, and in pious triumph cry out: "Behold your King!". In this book are offered twenty-one different Holy Hours as a token of love and reparation to the most Sacred Heart of Jesus, the King enthroned in very many Catholic homes, and the Adorable Friend of parents and children. The Holy Hours include one for each month, one to start the New Year, Holy Hour for the intimate family and social reign of the Sacred Heart, Holy Hour to enlighten and comfort souls who suffer, etc.

    • $28.95

    • SKU: N-HH

    Score: 4.00 (votes: 1)
Items: 115 of 77, per page