Sinner's Return to God - The Prodigal Son
“See, my son, I have come to thee because thou hast called Me.”
By Reverend Michael Muller
Full Unabridged Version! Original copyright 1875 by Benziger Bros.
A thousand examples might be offered to show that the reading of pious books is well calculated to lead sinners to a life of grace, and to encourage the just to walk steadily onward on the road to perfection. The tendency of pious reading to induce men of the world to change their ways and enter on the path of a holy life, may be seen from the conversion of St. Augustine.
All persons like to read the lives of great men. But they probably like still better to read their own lives. The well-known story of the Prodigal Son is more or less the life of all of us. That story is illustrated in this volume, and as its illustrations are but chapters in our own lives, it is hoped that their perusal will prove as pleasant as it may be profitable to those prodigal children most deeply concerned in the narrative, who have abandoned their Fathers’s household, taken up their adobe in a strange and far-off land, squandered their heavenly inheritance, and instead of the Bread of Life find their only sustenance in the husks of swine.
581 page book.