The Glories of Divine Grace
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The Glories of Divine Grace

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by Dr. Matthias Scheeben.

Imprimatur, 1864, 452 pages.

This book describes the immense gift of grace won for us by the Savior and the inconceivable power this grace gives to our lives. Among the mysteries of faith, the doctrine of grace occupies a preeminent place. It's at the heart of Christianity because grace is how God comes to us and how we embrace God. To take this gift of divine grace for granted or to let it go to waste is an offense against God. Dr. Scheeben's insights into the glories of divine grace reveal a man who knew this gift intimately and cherished it wisely. Don't let this astonishing gift go unnoticed or unused or misunderstood. Read this masterful and intriguing book on grace. May this book, with the blessing of God, lead many readers, in these troubled times, to be consoled and edified by the consideration of the glories and the blessedness of Divine grace.


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