Joyous Thoughts and the Highest Good
From the Introduction:
Our Heavenly Father wishes us to possess joyousness. In fact, He eve made it mandatory that we “rejoice in the Lord always.” Since we can at all times and in all circumstances serve the Lord, it is in our power always to “rejoice”. From the Preface: This little book is intended to convey messages of joy. Included in this book is a number of poems and verses expressing joy of heart. They are given here in the hope that they may impart true joy to the reader as they have done to the author. It is morally certain that they will at least banish serious doubt concerning the value of the greatest gift of God to man. Let us read or re-read this little volume, and, with God’s grace, strive to acquire a high appreciation of life. Let us beg in humble prayer the gift of joy which is the Fruit of the Holy Ghost. Thus we can make life well worth living; it will be a rich source of pleasure and merit to us, and of untold blessings to those with whom we live.
First printed in 1954 with Imprimatur, 56 page booklet.