Life of Pope Leo XIII - From An Authentic Memoir
From the wonderful writings of Bernard O'Reilly, D.D., L.D., who brought other titles such as Mirror of True Womanhood and True Men as we Need Them, comes the Life of Leo XIII from an authentic memoir, furnished by his holiness' order and written with his encouragement, approbation and blessing. No teacher in modern centuries has given utterance to such pregnant, needful, and far-reaching words of inspired wisdom as Pope Leo XIII. He not only lead a saintly life but was a cultivated scholar who's encyclicals embraced the very essence of society and its demands. He took up every challenge that was ever thrown at the Church during a time in which it was under heavy persecution by modernism, liberalism and the Freemasonic movement. The Life of Leo XIII provides an excellent in-depth history of Italy and the world during his time. Pope Leo XIII set a very saintly example before the eyes of every Catholic and non-Catholic during his time as well as to all those who read his memoir. The issues of his time are also the issues of our times, his solutions for these issues may also be our solutions, his writings are every as applicable today as they were then and every Catholic would be for the better in reading his wonderful writings. A Catholic who loves Holy Mother the Church, who loves the Popes, and who loves Rome will forever love this wonderful book on his holiness Pope Leo XIII.
603 page book. Impr 1887.