Mother Love
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Mother Love

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A Manual for Christian Mothers

by Rev. Pius Franciscus. O.M. CAP.

692 pages, Imprimatur 1925.

This exceptional book is reprinted full unadbridged and will be a constant source of support and inspiration in life’s difficult times, plus excellent material for Eucharistic devotions. It includes daily prayers, common devotions, prayers for special needs, prayers for marriage and widowhood, and prayers for pregnancy, childbirth, and newborns. This will be a wonderful and appreciated gift for mothers, grandmothers, sure to provide inspiration for difficult times. The book is divided into 5 parts: General prayers, Prayers For Various Special Needs of a Christian Mother, Prayers For Special Patrons, Pius Exercises to Which Indulgences are Attached, Confraternity of Christian Mothers. This is an extraordinary book for all Mothers.

  • $25.50

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