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Baltimore Catechisms

Score: 4.33 (votes: 3)

In the nineteenth century, repeated efforts had been made in the United States towards an arrangement by which a uniform textbook of Christian Doctrine might be used by all Catholics. At last, in 1885, was issued "A Catechism of Christian Doctrine, Prepared and Enjoined by Order of the Third Council of Baltimore." Although the council had desired a catechism "perfect in every respect" (Acta et Decr., p. 219), theologians and teachers criticized several points. Soon various editions came forth with additions of word-meanings, explanatory notes, some even with different Arrangements, so that soon there was a considerable diversity in the books that go by the name of Baltimore Catechism; however, all editions maintain uniform doctrinal teaching. Below we show the more popular Baltimore Catechisms, which were used to instruct generations of Catholics since they first appeared in 1885.

All books in this series are authentic reprints (as all of our books). No revisions or “updates” have been made. Many Baltimore Catechisms on the market today have only the basic answer and have been gutted of a more complete explanation and Scriptural reference. We assure our faithful customers that all Catechisms are complete without any revision or “update” of any kind.

Set available (Primer not included in set, must be ordered separately) in drop down list below!

Baltimore Catechism Primer. A Catechism Primer of Christian Doctrine by Roderick MacEachen, D.D.. Impr 1910. Contains 34 short lessons. This is a Child’s Prayer Book. It is touchingly simply, and millions of copies sold in the last century. It contains no “baby talk,” no sentimentalism, no distracting figures of speech. Every phrase is in the simply and natural language that children would utter in spontaneous, sincere prayers. Many grown-ups love to use this prayer book because of its devout sincerity. 72 page booklet. N-BCP

Baltimore Catechism #1. A Catechism of Christian Doctrine Prepared and Enjoined By Order of the Third Plenary Council of Baltimore. Impr 1885. Contains 33 lessons along with prayers and hymns. 64 page booklet. Usually used in grades 1 through 4. N-BC1

Baltimore Catechism #2. Impr 1911. Contains 37 lessons of considerably more depth and explanation. We have been told this version of Baltimore #2 is comparable to the #3 versions on the market. 128 pages N-BC2

Baltimore Catechism #3. An Advanced Catechism of Catholic Faith and Practice. For Use in the Higher Grades of Catholic Schools. Compiled by Rev. Thomas J. O’Brien. Impr 1901. The aim of this Advanced Catechism is to show that the feasts, devotions, and practices of the Church, together with the duties of the Christian life, are the logical out-growth of the revealed truths of Faith and Morals. It is hoped, the advanced pupils will be able to see clearly the intimate relations between Catholic Faith and Practice, and will grow in admiration and love of the living and practical truths taught and enforced by the Church. 251 page book. N-BC3

Baltimore Catechism #4. Also called An Explanation of the Catechism of Christian Doctrine No. 4. For Use of Sunday School Teachers and Advanced Classes by Rev. Thomas L. Kinkead. Impr 1891. This book is intended for use in high schools, academies and advanced classes in Sunday schools. 421 questions with detailed answers, often over a page in length. A wonderful reference work that will serve the teacher or parent for a life time. 400 pages, PB. N-BC4

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  • SKU: N-BC
In stock (673 items available)
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  • What Volumes (or Set)?
    Primer, #1, #2, #3, #4, Set (No Primer, must order separately)
  • Manufacturers
    • Manufacturer
      Refuge of Sinners Publishing, Inc.
Customer reviews
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Score: 4.33 (votes: 3)
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  • Timothy Cunningham
    Jan 17, 2022, 09:31
    I have just finished studying the whole set! Each volume is easily readable, and at the same time very detailed according to the level. Everything, about the Catholic Faith, that a person should know is in these books. My recommendation is that everyone start with the Last Judgement chapter first, then begin with Lesson One, because this will help you study each lesson more carefully as you prepare to meet God one day! This set is priceless and will definitely be used in teaching children and Adults! Thanks for producing and making available this set of books!!!
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