Sermons for the Children of Mary
Originally printed in 1898 by Benziger Brothers.
This book consists of 52 sermons or discourses that are concise, practical, devotional, and bearing in some way on the duties and privileges that appertain to the Children of Mary. They are suited alike "to the rich and poor, to the educated and to the uneducated. They must draw the line between prudence and discretion between any yielding, on the one hand, to the spirit of the world, and any too great severity on the other, in dealing with the innocent, though to some dispositions dangerous, pastimes and amusements generally prevelent in society; they must not sanction anything which has in general a tendency to lower the standard or impair the modesty of the Christian maiden; nor must they condemn any recreation or diversion that is not condemned by the law of God or the authority of the Church." The topics covered in the 52 sermons cover everything from the states of life of the Child of Mary, separate sermons on humility, obedience, poverty, purity, meekness, fraternal charity, sanctity, tepidity, and other virtues; several sermons on prayer and devotions, temptation, crosses, modesty, and custody of the tongue. There are 5 sermons on dangerous occasions to include bad companions, bad books, etc. Other sermons include the Child of Mary and respect for parents, devotion to the Queen of Heaven, and Devotion to our Guardian Angel. There is a sermon on the Child of Mary and Crosses and the Child of Mary and Mortifications plus many more. Out of print for over 100 years but now back in print without any changes or "updates".
343 pages. Size 4.5" x 7.5" .