Full Size St. Valentine's Day Greeting Card for Married Couples
Greeting Card with envelope.
Inside left:
O ETERNAL Spirit of Love, Dove of Peace, and Bond of Unity in the Holy Trinity, preserve love, unity and peace in our home. Make of it a faithful reproduction of the holy house of Nazareth upon which Thou didst look with such complacency. Bind us all together, not merely by carnal ties, but by the golden bonds of charity, prayer and mutual service. Make us one heart and one soul. By the gift of piety help us to forgive and forget the little grievances that the vicissitudes of life and diversity of character may foster among us. Wheresoever duty may call us, let us never bring dishonor upon our home and our family. Ward off from our home the spirit of pride, irreligion and worldliness. Allow not the lax principles and perverse maxims of the world to take root among us. Teach us to love and respect that Christian modesty which reigned supreme in the holy house of Nazareth. As by Thy help we live in unity here below, give us, we beseech Thee, the grace of final perseverance, that together we may praise Thee and love Thee through a happy eternity. Amen.