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A Voice from the Tabernacle - or Reflections and Prayer in Honor of the Blessed Sacrament

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Beginning with a literal voice from the tabernacle, this book seeks to bring readers back closer to Christ. In what would be the preface, readers get a reminder that says, “My child, this little Tabernacle is My dwelling place among men. Here I am anxiously awaiting to dispense My graces and blessings to them; but alas! They do not visit Me to ask these blessings or spend a few short moments during the course of the day in My company.” This book continues on with what readers can hope to obtain during time spent with Jesus. Included with illustrations, this book offers prayers for pious souls hoping for a reprieve from the world in this day and age and wishing to take refuge with Jesus. Readers can take comfort in reading about Jesus' unending love for them and forming a deeper connection with Him.

128 page book, Impr 1905.

  • $10.50

  • SKU: N-VFT
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