Lectures by Cardinal Henry Edward Manning
By Cardinal Henry Edward Manning.
Imprimatur 1899.
Cardinal Henry Edward Manning presents three books in one with multiple lectures in each, every book printed as they were taken down at the time in the late 1800s.
From the first book, The Four Great Evils of the Day in four lectures, “But yet the Son of Man, when He cometh, shall He find, think you, faith on earth?” Manning clarifies, “By this question our Divine Lord intends us to understand that, when He comes, He shall find many who do not believe, many who have fallen from the faith. It foretells that there shall be apostasies ...”
From the second book, The Sovereignty of God in six lectures, “...God, in times past, shut His eyes to the idolatries and polythesim of men. Those times are past now, for God has made Himself known, and has therefore commanded all men everywhere to do penance ...”
From the third book, The Grounds of Faith in four lectures, “I desire to speak, then, for the honor of our Lord, and, if God so will, for the help of those who seek the truth. To lay broad and sure the foundations on which we believe is necessary at all times, because as the end of man is life eternal, and as the means to that end if the knowledge of God...”
Each set of lectures has an average of about 130 pages, Impr 1899. Total pages 420.
See also other books by Cardinal Henry Edward Manning:
Internal Mission of the Holy Ghost
Love of Jesus to Penitents
The Temporal Power of the Vicar of Jesus Christ
Lectures by Cardinal Manning
Sin and It’s Consequences
The Glories of the Sacred Heart
Eternal Priesthood