Act of Consecration to the Most Holy Heart of Mary Holy Card
Act of Consecration to the
Most Holy Heart of Mary
O HEART of Mary, ever Virgin! O heart the holiest, the purest, the most perfect, that the Almighty hath formed in any creature; O heart, full of all grace, and sweetness, throne of love and mercy, image of the adorable Heart of Jesus, heart that didst love God more than all the seraphim, that didst procure more glory to the most holy Trinity than all the saints together, that didst endure for love of us the bitter dolors at the foot of the cross, and dost so justly merit the reverence, love, and gratitude of all mankind, I give thee thanks for all the benefits which thou hast obtained for me from the divine Mercy; I unite myself to all the souls that find their joy and consolation in loving and honoring thee. O heart most amiable, the delight and admiration of the angels and the saints, henceforth thou shalt be to me, next to the Heart of Jesus, the object of my tenderest devotion, my refuge in affliction, my consolation in sorrow, my place of retreat from the enemies of my salvation, and, at the hour of my death, the surest anchor of my hope. Amen.
Taken from My Prayer Book by Fr. F. X. Lasance, Imprimatur, 1908.
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