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Holy Hour in Gethsemani - Meditations on the Anima Christi

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By Rev. Francis P. Donnelly, S.J.

Impr. 1917, 212 pages.

In this present work, containing thoughts and prayers for the Holy Hour devotion, the Passion is kept prominent throughout. The Holy hour began with being a commemoration of Christ’s Agony in the Garden and then, as the devotion was always practised before the Blessed Sacrament, thoughts and practices became Eucharistic. Devotions in this book aim to stir up within the faithful compassion with Christ, hatred of sin, a spirit of reparation and kindred feelings and resolves. For seven centuries the Anima Christi has been warming hearts and uplifting souls in earnest devotion. This book also contains Litanies, Prayers and Hymns that bolster the devotions.

  • $17.90

  • SKU: N-HHG
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