The Guard of Honor and the Holy Hour
Imprimatur, 1925.
The Guard of Honor devotion to console the outraged Eucharistic Heart of Jesus “has been destined particularly for our times.” The Guard of Honor is really a spiritual abiding near the Tabernacle, and there are chapters on: Objects of the Guard of Honor, the principal object being reparation; The Value of the Guard of Honor, and other chapters, followed by the consoling “Act of Reparation.“ The second part of this booklet is “The Holy Hour”. Chapters include: To Beg Mercy for Sinners, To Pray for the Dying, Jesus Forsees the Future Sufferings of the Church, and much more. Pope Leo XIII declared, “the present afflictions of the Church are greater, and the persecutions more dangerous than those of previous times. ”
64 page booklet.