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On the Fewness of the Saved - Slightly Defective

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The Teaching of the Saints. Francis Xavier Godts, C.Ss.R. 455 page book.

Do most men go to heaven? Do most Adult Catholics go to heaven? Redemptorist theologian Francis-Xavier Godts explores these questions in unprecedented depth, calling the saints and approved theologians to witness. Hundreds of quotations show that the Church’s answer to them is a terrifying, resounding and unanimous “no” - most men do not go to heaven. “Narrow is the way that leadeth to life and few there are that find it,” is to be understood in its stark, literal truth. Fr. Godt’s scholarly refutation of liberal opinions on the number of the saved will not tempt the reader to despair but inspire him to make ever more earnest efforts to shun sin and its occasions and live a life of serious fidelity to the teaching, law, and example of Christ.

This book changes lives! A most terrifying book for any Catholic to realize the implication.

Orignal book in Latin, Imprimatur 1899, translated by John S Daly, 2017, copyrighted and printed by MOS, Inc, 2017.

Slightly Defective - Cut wrong, all text intact, cosmetic only.

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  • SKU: N-FEW-D
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